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Saturday, December 17, 2011

I Need to Stop Eating

Have you ever said this to yourself: "I need to stop eating?" Sometimes when attempting to diet and lose weight our inner monologue can be our own worst enemy encouraging us to; 'just have one more', 'a little bit won't hurt', 'it won't make any difference now' and so on.

Trying to ignore these thoughts and stop eating for the sake of it, or stopping once full during a meal can be incredibly difficult, especially when it feels as though all your hard work isn't paying off.

However, there are different compulsions at work here, from the serious to the simple diet saboteur; the question is, where do yours fall?

A more serious problem with the inability to stop yourself from eating could manifest itself as bingeing on forbidden foods. Every dieter can experience this once in a while, but if this becomes a normal part of your day, especially if followed by purge activities such as vomiting or taking laxatives, then this is a serious problem requiring medical assistance.

Less serious, but no less important, are those times where 'just one' is not enough, or stopping your hand from continually reaching into the cookie jar, taking another fry or chipping off another piece of cheese feels like an impossible task.

This is where mindful eating can help. When eating scheduled meals and snacks (not the snatched tidbits as above), take the time to appreciate what you are eating. Chew each mouthful. Don't read or have the TV on in the background. Eat slowly and savor each mouthful. By doing this you are giving your stomach the opportunity to register that food is arriving. It can take up to 20 minutes for your stomach to recognize this, which, if you are in the habit of inhaling your food, can lead to consistent overeating.

Next, when you feel like having a 'snack' that isn't part of your plan, apply some distraction techniques. Drinking a glass of water can be a solution as we often mistake thirst for hunger, so try this first. If after ten minutes you still feel hungry, distract yourself in another way, go for a walk around the block, have a bath, phone a friend, and generally, just do something active rather than passive like sitting in front of the TV. If this still doesn't work then allow yourself to have a tiny portion of that which you fancy, but eat it mindfully. This means that even if it is just a square of chocolate, don't just stand next to the fridge and post it into your mouth, but get a plate and sit at the dining table to savor your snack.

These strategies should really help to combat the continual need to eat and transport you along your weight loss journey.

Does Yoga Help You Lose Weight

Yoga is an ancient discipline developed in India. It is a way of living that promotes physical and mental health. Practicing yogasana is beneficial to the body. A person can achieve self control, become physically fit, reduce stress and become mentally fit also through the practice of yoga. Weight loss methods usually involve crash diets and medications which can have severe side effects. Does yoga help you lose weight? Yes it does. Yoga is also a spiritual discipline which helps a person to evolve naturally in to a fulfilled human being.

Yoga teaches a person how to live properly. The asana prescribed by yoga teachers help a person to improve posture, adopt a healthy diet plan and burn calories through yogic exercises. Hatha yoga deals with the removal of surplus fat. It helps a person to attain a slim body. Yoga postures help to treat constipation by massaging the abdominal walls and muscles. This is the first step towards weight reduction in obese persons.

Obesity occurs generally because of fat accumulation, decreased physical activity and diseases or due to reasons related to emotional stress. Yoga unlike other diet plans relates to both the physical and mental aspects also and helps a person to reduce weight through proper asana and diet.

It is important to learn yoga from a proper instructor who will help chart a routine for exercise and a diet plan that is suited to a person. Daily practice is necessary to achieve the desired result. Yoga helps a person to become flexible and slender. The yogic disciplines require silence. Thus a person who practices yoga will be able to have power over the mind. The craving for food can be controlled easily. The lifestyle of a person will change for the better. Weight loss techniques in yoga have permanent effect. Other methods like crash diets or surgery are harmful to the human body.

The asanas recommended by yoga gurus for reducing weight are saral hasta bhujangasana, halasana, veerasana, dhanurasana, trikonasana, paschimotannasana, sarvangasana, hastapadangustasana, hastapadasana and ardhamatsyendrasana. Surya namaskar or worship of the sun by prostrating is an effective exercise which ensures a healthy body and also reduces weight. It should be performed at sun rise. Pranayama is the art of breathing properly. This yoga method regularizes breathing and makes the body fit. Pranayama also helps to remove obesity.

Yoga awakens the energy in the body, harmonizes body systems and purifies it. The asanas and shat karmas along with pranayama and mudras make a yoga disciple perfect in every way. Yoga is a discipline and should be practiced everyday to obtain the complete effect.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Why Can't I Lose Weight? 6 Factors That Sabotage Weight Loss

Most people will find themselves asking the question; Why can't I lose weight?, at some point of their lives. Even if you believe that you are doing everything right, weight loss is a very complicated matter. Here are the most common causes of your inability to lose weight:

Not eating Right

Having a healthy diet is very important. Even if you are burning calories by working out, having Mc Donalds afterwards, is still not healthy. Watch your fat and sugar content and try to adopt a more healthy, clean and balanced diet.

Not drinking enough water

If you don't drink enough water, your body is going to store the amount of water it has in your abdomen, hips, thighs etc. So the weight you can't seem to get off might just be water weight! Also, low level of water also means low metabolism rate.

Solution- Drink more water

Thyroid problems

It is estimated that about 5-10 percent of adults suffer from hypothyroidism. An under active thyroid can lower your metabolism by up to 40%, which can result in significant weight gain. If you experience symptoms, such as loss of energy, hair loss, joint pain, dry skin, muscle weakness, sensitivity to cold or depression, then you may be suffering from hypothyroidism. To find out if this is the case, you need to take a TSH screening to measure the levels of the thyroid-stimulating hormone.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

About 10% of women of childbearing age suffer from a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome, in which the ovaries produce excessive male hormones. This syndrome is associated with insulin resistance, which may increase fat storage, especially in the area around the waist. You can ask your gynecologist to test the levels of sex hormones in your body for an imbalance of estrogen, testosterone and progesterone.

The use of certain medications

Medications such as steroids, anti-depressants and certain birth-control pills may lead to weight gain. If you notice that you started to gain weight a few weeks after taking a new drug, then you may ask your doctor to prescribe an alternative.

Underestimation of caloric intake

People are notorious for underestimating their daily food intake. You may think that you are eating 1,500 calories a day, but you could be wrong. Eating just one donut or an extra tablespoon of olive oil per day, can cancel your caloric deficit without you realizing it. To make sure that you are doing everything right, it may be a good idea to keep a record of every single food you eat during the day and to measure portions by using a kitchen scale.

Thus, I hope this article gave you some insight as to why you might not be able shed those pounds.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Looking for Best Diets To Lose Weight Fast? I Have Something Even Better!

Are you looking for the best diets to lose weight fast ? What I am about to tell you is not exactly a diet but some excellent tips that if you follow, you will definitely see the results fast. Added bonus? It's all healthy.

Let me begin with water. Consume lots of water. It will help you get rid of all the toxins and it will help you get rid of all the water weight as well. Water is also an excellent detoxifier; so drinking enough of it will help you cleanse your body while increasing your metabolism.

Another tip is to cut down on fat. Your body does not need a lot of fat. So cut them out. You can get plenty of "good" fat from nuts, lean meat, avocados, salmon etc. Also ELIMINATE junk food. If you want to lose weight fast, this is the best way to do it. Consume things that are low in fat content like low fat yogurt, skimmed milk etc. Also limit your red meat intake to maybe once a week. Eat chicken or fish instead. They don't have as much fat as red meat.

Also try to eat your vegetables fresh. They are the most nutritious at this raw stage. When you cook them, they lose their nutrients. If you don't like raw vegetables, steam them or boil them. If you feel like drinking fruit juice, make them fresh. Everything fresh is the best, because they are not processed and they do not have any added ingredients. Fruit juice that you get in the store, more often than not, have added sugar, artificial sweetener, which is not good. It just increases the calories content. Also juicing your vegetables is an excellent idea. Try to have vegetable juice everyday. Add in whatever you want. This is not only an excellent way to give your body nutrients but also your body finds it easier to digest liquids. Invest in a juicer. They help a lot.

Watch your calorie intake. Don't eat more than you burn. You can shed calories by working out. Burning calories is basically a way to give your body fuel to do it's daily activity. So whatever action you make, burns calories. Even functions inside your body like the pumping of the heart requires fuel. So, don't be a couch potato. Eating healthy won't work alone. To lose weight fast, eat healthy and workout. Cardio and strength training are excellent ways to lose weight, so look into that. Do this at least 4-5 times a week.

Drink lots of fluids and keep your body hydrated at all times. This will increases your metabolism and help you burn more calories when you workout. You can start by taking smaller actions like taking the stairs instead of elevator, having a salad instead of sandwich, walking back and forth while talking on the phone. Remember every action burns calories. So dance to your favorite music. If you are embarrassed, do it in your room. Dance till you sweat.

Try to cut down on snacking. If you do feel hungry, drink water. This is because your body sometimes cannot distinguish between when hunger and thirst. So most of the time your body might just be craving water.
Saying that, avoid caffeine. It pretty much bullies water by shoving it out of the body. Some say that it is good to have coffee before workout. I say it is not. Here's why- caffeine found in coffee will push out the water from the blood by making you frequently urinate. Now this reduces the level of water content in the blood. Low water means low oxygen. So it is basically cutting down the oxygen level of your blood, making your heart work more faster. Also low water level will make your muscles feels tired and lethargic.

Cut down on sweets. It's all sugar after all. You don't need to have ice cream, cake, cookies, donuts, chocolates every single day. To lose weight fast, completely eliminate them. Otherwise, do this slowly by reducing your intakes everyday.

Eat food with high fiber content. It helps with digestion. But also know that, fiber needs water; without water it can make you constipated.

If you follow these tips, there is no way you won't see a difference fast, because you are not only feeding your body the right food, but you are also working out. So you are burning calories both ways. So there is no reason for you to not lose weight. If you do this enough, you can even make this a permanent habit.
So go start right now!

If you want to check out some more tips, and an awesome product that will help you get back in shape, please feel free to check out http://www.squidoo.com/i-want-to-be-healthy. Also don't forget to grab your free ebook!
Are you looking for cheap ways to lose weight? I'll let you in on the cheapest yet a profound secret to weight loss. It is a concept that I'll try to make you understand. This concept is called calorie deficit. This is solely the thing that makes you lose weight. The moment you grasp this concept, you will understand exactly what you need to do.

So what is calorie deficit? In simple words, it indicates a deficit that is created in your body when you burn more calories than you ingest through food. So for example, you take in 2000 calories a day, and with exercise suppose you burn 2500 calories a day. Your body will have a deficit of 500 calories. That means along with the burning of those calories that you took in from food, you are going to burn up an additional 500 calories through the fat that was ALREADY stored in your body..This is how you lose weight.

Now most of the people focus on creating that deficit, which is great. In fact, that is what you are supposed to do. But if the method that you are taking to achieve this deficit is by starving yourself, then you are doing your body no good. The same deficit can be made just by eating the right things. Eat all the food that gives you nutrients, like fruits, vegetables, lean meat, carbohydrates etc. Cut out junk food. Eat the right thing. Don't overeat, because your stomach is not too big. It does not need a lot of food to make it full, so eat only till you are full.

Another way of creating this deficit is through working out. Doing cardiovascular exercises 4-5 times a week helps a lot in burning those calories.If you do not want to cut back on calories, you could create that deficit through this way. While doing your Cardio, alternate between high and low intensity workout. This intensity fluctuations will shock your body and increase it's metabolism, thus helping you burn more calories. There are so many cardio exercises that you can do. Be it running, swimming, tennis, dancing, racquetball, and even jumping jack is excellent. Switch between a variety of these before you get bored.

To make the most out of this calorie deficit, take up both a healthy meal and a healthy exercise routine. You will see results in no time. Remember, you do not need a lot of fancy equipments, a lot of fancy clothes or a year long subscription to the gym to lose weight. Nothing of that will help you if you don't UTILIZE it. The reality is that people get all excited for the first few days and then give up because they see no result. Believe me, you will see results if you do it enough.

The working of the body is a science. If you master it, you will always be able to find a way put of trouble. But all of them require works. Those products that tell you that you can eat whatever you want and still lose weight without even exercising, are lying. Don't fall for them. Don't look for an easy way out because there isn't any. There are a lot of pills and shakes out there that tell you how it's like a magic potion. The only healthy magic potion I know of is water. Yes water; it is as simple as that. It is easily accessible yet people drink sodas instead of water. And they wonder why there joints hurt,and why there kidneys don't work properly, or why there teeth looks unhealthy.

Remember awareness is the key. Be aware of everything you put in your body, because you are the only one who can control what goes in. Once you understand what is good for you and what is not, then you will be able to make an educated decision as to what to eat.

For the next two weeks, don't think. Just do it! You have nothing to lose. The more you think, the more explanations you are going to come up for not doing it. It is hard work but it pays off. I promise:

Also, I say this in every article of mine. It is because I mean it. Don't just sit there reading: ways to lose weight. Act on it, apply it, and make it work, or you would not see ANY result. Motivate yourself. if you are tired of how weak your body has become, if you are tired of battling that high cholesterol level, do something about it. Remember, ideas alone don't bring change. It needs action as well. So let's go and work towards making a lighter and healthy us.

Also, don't forget to grab your free e-book which will let you in one the most AWESOME way to burn those calories (just email me from the contact me section); also for some more awesome tips that will help you get back in shape, please feel free to check out http://www.squidoo.com/i-want-to-be-healthy

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Water Helps You Lose Weight! Really?? How?

Yes, you heard it right! Water helps you lose weight. It is the magic potion that is so easily attainable yet only a few people actually take advantage of its wonderful benefits. Not only does water help you lose weight, infact, on the contrary, not enough water actually inhibits weight loss.
 So how does water help in weight loss, some of you might ask? Well, it helps by increasing your body’s metabolism. Metabolism basically consist of reactions that help body to gain energy from the breaking down of food. Water is needed for a lot of important functions in your body, including metabolism. When you don’t have enough of it, your body tends to store the tiny amounts of water thwt you ingest around your abdomen, arms, thighs etc. This storage of water makes you heavier and weigh more. But once you start drinking a lot more water, your body will stop the tendency of storing it, because it would realize that it is going to get a constant supply now. So then you start to lose those excess pounds that was there before in the form of water. I want you to understand this concept because a lot of people workout, eat right and still wonder why they are not losing weight. They often do not realize that the cause of that huge number on their scale is water.
Now let us look at another area where water plays a huge role. Water is very important in the metabolism of fat. Although water does not play a direct role in it but it does affect it indirectly. Now liver is the one who deals with fat metabolism. Water helps kidney in its role with removing toxins like nitrogen, urea, ketones etc. If your body does not have enough water your kidney would not be able to function properly. So in that case your liver has to help out. During this process liver concentrates more on doing kidneys job instead of emulsifying fat. Hence, your fat gets stored and you gain weight.

There are other reasons how water aids weight loss. If you drink more water before a meal you will consume less calories of food. You feel full easily. This is a proven fact! Infact most of the day when you think your body is hungry, what your body actually craves is water. So normally when feeling hungry people keep eating more, which leads to gaining weight, when infact you just needed water- a calorie free drink.

Seriously, I cannot stress enough but water is very important. It makes your skin look beautiful, nourished and soft. It even makes you look young. It gets rid of all the nasty stuff from your body.

Now moving along, let’s talk about that controversial relationship between caffeinated drinks and water. Caffeine is a diuretic, which means it suppresses the ability of  kidney to retain water. This is also true for alcohol. That is why when you drink caffeinated drinks like sodas, tea, coffee, or consume alcoholic beverages, it makes you want to urinate more. This is because when the caffeine enters your body it pushes the water away. So water which is vital for the functioning of so many organs is expelled through urination. Caffeine also makes the cells retain water from the bloodstream. This affects your heart which makes it work even harder to compensate for the low water level in the blood. Infact low water level in blood also reduces its oxygen content, thus your muscles, because of lack of oxygen, feel lethargic and tired. Without water, your joints does not have any lubrication, your muscles will feel sore while exercising. Water also helps in the contraction of muscles as well. Thus, the point of all of this is, to get those toned muscles you have to drink your water. It is one of the main nourishments that your muscles need. So if you are still going to be consuming caffeinated drinks, I would recommend you to drink a lot more water to compensate the loss of water.

Drink lots of water through out the day and don’t just wait till you are thirsty because that is a sign of dehydration. If you are the kind of person who sweats a lot, or if it is hot and humid where you live, consume large quantities of water. You need it after you exercise simply because it helps you get energy. Water has no calories yet it is an important nutrient for the body; infact it is the healthiest drink. If you don’t like water because of the taste, put a slice of lemon in it. Putting cucumber in your water makes it a lot more cool and refreshing. You should also have a lot of water based fruits like melons in your diet. When you work out and are burning calories, your body creates toxins; water is the one that flushes them out of your body.

I hope all of this made you aware how important drinking water is fr you. It is the most affordable liquid. There is a reason why it is considered a need. There is a reason why without it you can die. Drink your water. It is the nature's way to help you lose weight.

If you want to check out some more tips, and an awesome product that will help get back in shape, please feel free to check out http://www.squidoo.com/i-want-to-be-healthy


Friday, December 2, 2011

I Am Obese: Good News, You Don't Always Have to Be

"I am obese". Have you said that to yourself lately? You are not alone. Statistics show that the percent of people "suffering" from obesity in America and around the world keep on increasing day by day, and year by year.
Obesity is not a disease. It (on the most part) is merely a result of poor lifestyle choice. Looking back, every moment you chose to eat that Big Mac, or Burger King's Triple Whopper with cheese, you became closer to this fateful result.
But the good news is that there is always a way out. No matter how deep in the web of unhealthiness you are, there is still a way out. Obesity, can be, BUT, does not have to be a permanent state. You can lose weight and become healthy. But for that to work, you have to realize that you are powerful. You are the only one who can change the situation you are in right now. You are the sole person who can decide your tomorrow.
Some people become overweight because they look at food as comfort. If you are one of those, I would like to tell you that food is merely a source through which your physical body gets its nutrients from. It DOES NOT have any emotional power to make you feel better. It DOES NOT have the power to make you feel small. Your mind is the one who has that power. Food won't cure your depression, anxiety, or loneliness. Don't look at food for support. They don't have the power to support you. In fact, they can't even support itself. It needs YOU to digest it.
Anyways, my point is that YOU are the one with the power. Don't give food that authority over your life. If your happiness solely revolves around what you are going to have in your next meal, then you have some serious thinking to do. Because life is so much more than that. It is beautiful, it is colorful. It has some amazing people who are just waiting to be a part of your life. The moment you realize that your existence is important to this universe, the closer you will be to become liberated from this trap of unhealthiness or any other feelings of worthlessness and misery.
Now, for those people who are overweight because they chose to live an inactive life, and also chose to indulge in the most unhealthy food they could ever find. My answer is simple: You made two wrong choices. Unhealthy food and unhealthy lifestyle choice can only yield horrible health results. Life is too short anyways, and you are making it even shorter by leading an unhealthy lifestyle. Laziness can cost you your life. I am sure you already know how much of life you are missing. If you have enough power to make that decision to eat a whole box of cheese pizza, believe it or not, you also have enough power to make that decision to go for a walk.
Life is happening right now, at this moment. Don't let anymore moment go to waste. Decide to be healthy right now. And in fact act on it. I know you can do it. Don't wait till tomorrow. It wont come. It never does. It is just your laziness trying to take you over. Just give it a try. You would never ever regret it.
Next time when you look in the mirror, instead of saying "I am obese", say, " I am a miracle just waiting to happen, and when it happens only I can decide".

If you want to check out some more tips, and an awesome product that will help you do so, please feel free to check out http://www.squidoo.com/i-want-to-be-healthy

Thursday, December 1, 2011

How To Lose Body Fat Percentage

Losing body fat percentage is the hardest thing to do. In fact, losing fat takes a lot of work. This is why a lot of people give up so fast. First we need to talk about what Body Fat Percentage means. This is basically the percentage of our body that is fat. That is all it is.
A lot of people, who are trying to lose weight, weigh themselves each morning and when they see their numbers increase, they get discouraged. They never think that it could be because they are gaining muscles. Muscles weigh more than fat. If you are overweight, the most efficient tip to lose fat is to do Cardio, because if you don't lose fat and are weight training, then you would not be able to see the muscles you are forming. You will think that your workout is not working. You might even find yourself gaining weight. But you might not think that you are actually gaining muscles.
Diet is a huge part of losing body fat percentage. Following healthy eating habits is very necessary. Cut down on greasy and fatty food. Fried foods are filled with bad cholesterol (LDL). They get stored in your body and are really hard to get rid of. They are the reason for a lot of heart diseases, mainly cholesterol. Instead, have food with good fat (HDL), like olives, fish, avocado etc.
Starving yourself won't work either. You will be losing muscles if you do this. Eat a lot of protein. Running is the best way to get rid of fat and to get those lean muscle layers to show. Be active. Replace sodas with water. Eat small meals throughout the day. Eating small meals also gives your stomach a chance to digest all the food properly. Remember that you can also over do healthy foods. Just because you are eating healthy does not mean that you can eat a lot of it. Don't eat more than you need to. The actual size of your stomach is not too big, that means your body does not need a lot of food to feel full. Limit your junk food intake, actually try to eliminate it. They might be tasty, but that's it. They have no healthy nutrients. Don't you feel bloated, tired and drowsy after eating a heavy meal? Well, that's a sign that your body is giving you.
Just be aware of everything you are putting in your body. Eat well and stay active. That's all there is to it!

If you want to check out some more tips, and an awesome product that will help you do so, please feel free to check out http://www.squidoo.com/i-want-to-be-healthy

I want to be healthy

Have you ever said this to yourself before? "I want to be healthy." Guess what? People say that plenty of times, but they give up without even trying. It is probably because the idea of being healthy, and leading a healthy lifestyle does sound enticing but the process does not.
But guess what the good news is? It's really not that hard. You just have to do it enough to where it becomes a habit, a routine. A lot of people say that they are not motivated enough, but you know what? Trust me, after you follow that routine for a few days where it becomes a habit, you will start to see changes. You will feel energized, lighter, cleaner and healthier. That is what is going to motivate you for the rest of your life. There a lot of people trying to lose those pounds and are singing the "I want to be healthy" tune. But the problem is that they are doing it wrong. They are taking pills and going on diets were they keep starving their body off of nutrients. That's unhealthy and it does not work! It is a temporary fix. Just Temporary! To be healthy and to see permanent results you actually have to lead a healthy lifestyle. This includes mainly two things- eating healthy, and being active. That's all there is to it. A lot of people think its hard. But seriously it is not. It is all in your mind. They are actually very fun. Once you start doing it and start seeing results, you will actually regret not starting sooner. It is a great feeling. It takes work. I know that. But guess what? You will see results, instantly. Besides, doing something that makes me feel better, and healthier, something that gives me so much more stamina, I am ready to do. You can do it too. Seriously, you can. You can start right now. All you have to do is, stop looking for reasons not to do it. Just do it and don't give up too easy.
There is this saying, "where there is a will there is a way". It Never gets old. Push yourself. You are in control of your body. You can make it or break it. Breaking it is easy. You know that too! Making it takes hard work (or at least in the beginning it does), but the results are so much better and life long. You feel better both physically and mentally.
Start right now. I know you can do it. you just have to make the decision and act on it.

If you want to check out some more tips, and an awesome product that will help you do so, please feel free to check out http://www.squidoo.com/i-want-to-be-healthy