Yoga is an ancient discipline developed in India. It is a way of living that promotes physical and mental health. Practicing yogasana is beneficial to the body. A person can achieve self control, become physically fit, reduce stress and become mentally fit also through the practice of yoga. Weight loss methods usually involve crash diets and medications which can have severe side effects. Does yoga help you lose weight? Yes it does. Yoga is also a spiritual discipline which helps a person to evolve naturally in to a fulfilled human being.
Yoga teaches a person how to live properly. The asana prescribed by yoga teachers help a person to improve posture, adopt a healthy diet plan and burn calories through yogic exercises. Hatha yoga deals with the removal of surplus fat. It helps a person to attain a slim body. Yoga postures help to treat constipation by massaging the abdominal walls and muscles. This is the first step towards weight reduction in obese persons.
Obesity occurs generally because of fat accumulation, decreased physical activity and diseases or due to reasons related to emotional stress. Yoga unlike other diet plans relates to both the physical and mental aspects also and helps a person to reduce weight through proper asana and diet.
It is important to learn yoga from a proper instructor who will help chart a routine for exercise and a diet plan that is suited to a person. Daily practice is necessary to achieve the desired result. Yoga helps a person to become flexible and slender. The yogic disciplines require silence. Thus a person who practices yoga will be able to have power over the mind. The craving for food can be controlled easily. The lifestyle of a person will change for the better. Weight loss techniques in yoga have permanent effect. Other methods like crash diets or surgery are harmful to the human body.
The asanas recommended by yoga gurus for reducing weight are saral hasta bhujangasana, halasana, veerasana, dhanurasana, trikonasana, paschimotannasana, sarvangasana, hastapadangustasana, hastapadasana and ardhamatsyendrasana. Surya namaskar or worship of the sun by prostrating is an effective exercise which ensures a healthy body and also reduces weight. It should be performed at sun rise. Pranayama is the art of breathing properly. This yoga method regularizes breathing and makes the body fit. Pranayama also helps to remove obesity.
Yoga awakens the energy in the body, harmonizes body systems and purifies it. The asanas and shat karmas along with pranayama and mudras make a yoga disciple perfect in every way. Yoga is a discipline and should be practiced everyday to obtain the complete effect.
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