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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Best Food For Weight Loss

Food and physical activity is the key to lose extra calories. Regular exercise helps to get rid of extra fat and lose weight. One can maximize the results of exercise by taking care of food that we eat, as some foods help in losing weight. These fat burning foods are healthier, low in calories, fiber rich and keeps you more satisfied, thereby curbing excess appetite. These miracle foods make you feel less hungry, which thereby helps in avoiding the untimely binging of high calorie foods that just makes you put on weight without giving any nutrition. Some of the best food for weight loss are:

• Lean meat: Instead of deep fried chicken wings and turkey, opt for lean meat such as fish, roasted chicken breast and other seafood. Lean meat is rich in proteins, which take more calories to digest and keeps you fuller for a longer time.

• Eggs: Include eggs in your breakfast as they are good source of proteins and helps in breaking down fat.

• Soups and salads: Salads made up of fresh vegetables like beet root, cucumber, lettuce and carrots provide you with good nutrients and are also low in calories. Avoid adding any dressings in salads as they may contain high fattening agents. Freshly made soups and salads make a good source of fiber that helps in keeping the digestive system healthy.

• Fiber: Another best food for weight loss is fiber. Fiber rich foods like oats, whole grains, fruits and vegetables are low calorie foods, which keeps your hunger satisfied for a longer time. They also aid in digestion. But remember having lots of fiber without drinking ample water can make you constipated. So drink up on the most healthy liquid, that is water!

• Thermogenic foods: You should include thermogenic food (foods that burn fat) such as garlic, cinnamon in your diet. These which work by increasing the metabolism of the body (my "heating it up"), thereby burning extra calories.

So, kick start your day with exercise and incorporate these healthy and fat burning foods in your diet to lose those extra pounds in a faster way.

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